submerged sky

Cielo Sommerso (Submerged Sky) is a bio-dynamic white wine from Tenuta San Marcello in the Italian region of Marche.The wine is unique in how it’s fermented – The makers have adhered to an ancient technique of ageing the wine in clay pots which buried in the earth for a period of 8 months, resulting in incredibly rich and vibrant flavours. We used this unique method as inspiration for the name, label and clay wrap.

Cielo Sommerso, translates to Submerged Sky – we felt this was a fitting metaphor for the sun soaked grapes that are buried underground. To further express the idea, we had an artist hand paint a cloud scape which was then used as artwork for the label We developed a unique mixture of earth (from the vineyard) and glue to create a clay, which when dried after dipping forms a seal/wrap – bringing unique aging method to life in a tactile and visual way that both intrigues and delights.

Andy Reynolds - Creative Director
Gianluca Crudele  - Design Director
Kitty Chan - Designer

Creative Direction
art direction


Taiwan Mobile

